This 10th edition of Baltic HLT will bring together scientists, developers and users to discuss the state-of-the-art of HLT in the Baltic sea states, to exchange information and to promote initiatives for international cooperation. Deadline for submissions: 20 May 2022. You can find more information about the conference here.
On 12 January, CLARIN-LV organised a seminar to demonstrate digital humanities researchers how to efficiently use and find language data.
The goal of this seminar was to provide DH researchers with practical knowledge on how data can be retrieved from language corpora and to introduce a new feature of, the federated search in the diverse collection of Latvian language corpora. Participants included DH researchers from the Institute of Latvian Language, Faculty of Humanities of UL, and Liepāja University. Materials can be used by other DH researchers who need support in their corpus studies, including researchers from the SAFMORIL K-centre.
SAFMORIL brings together linguists as well as researchers and developers in the area of computational morphology and its application during language processing. It operates as a distributed virtual centre supported by CLARIN member institutions: FIN-CLARIN: University of Helsinki and CSC, Finland; CLARINO: University of Tromsø, Norway, CLARIN-LV: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia and CLARIN-LT: Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. The Tour de CLARIN article introduces to SAFMORIL as CLARIN K-centre.
On June 2, 2021 CLARIN-LV and the State Research Programme project “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” organised the conference “Latvian language resources and tools for teaching”. More than 160 participants registered for the conference. Besides representatives from Latvian universities, research institutions and libraries, the conference attracted many teachers working in Latvia and abroad.
During the conference participants were introduced to the recent achievements and the latest developments on language resources and tools both in Europe and in Latvia. Francesca Frontini (CLARIN ERIC board of directors), gave a keynote on the CLARIN teaching opportunities and challenges during Corona. Conference participants were also introduced to the European Language Equality (ELE) and the European Language Grid (ELG) projects. The conference programme included a presentation from the Latvia Ministry of the Education and Science on Digital Humanities and Open Science, the presentation of different Latvian language resources and tools and a presentation from the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University on how to train new specialists in the field of Digital Humanities. Check the conference materials here.
The Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries DHN 2020 conference took place from October, 21 till October, 23, 2020. Before the conference, the CLARIN workshop “Twin Talks 2: Understanding and Facilitating Collaboration in DH at DHN 2020” was organised by CLARIN ERIC. During the conference the participants were introduced with CLARIN-LV repository, the language resources and tools in the repository and the SAFMORIL knowledge centre. The overview of CLARIN-LV activities is summarized in the conference proceedings publication CLARIN in Latvia: From the Preparatory Phase to the Construction Phase and Operation.
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